Did you know that over 60% of Americans suffer from something called “vacation deprivation?”
Yes, this is a real thing - and it can be costly to your health!
A break from day to day life in a new location is necessary every now and then for your emotional, mental, and physical well-being.
Here are 4 health benefits of going on vacation:
1. It improves your mental health
Getting away from life’s daily responsibilities and worries will significantly lower stress levels and give you a much needed mental break. Plus, who isn’t automatically happier and relaxed while on vacation?
2. It improves your physical health
Mental health and physical health go hand-in-hand. Maintaining low stress levels will help prevent serious health issues like heart disease.
3. It makes you more productive and creative
Getting that much needed rest plus potentially getting exposed to new languages, cultures and experiences can stimulate your mind in a way that boosts your productivity and creativity when you get back to work.
4. It strengthens your relationships
Traveling or going on vacation with people you love is the ultimate way to bond, whether it’s with your friends, your family, or your significant other. It could even strengthen the most important relationship in your life - the one you have with yourself!
So what are you waiting for? Book your next vacation now - for your health! Call us at (818) 543-1821 to get started on planning your trip.